Monday, December 31, 2012

Good Bye 2012, Hello 2013

What a year it has been!
I gave birth to my most adorable son in May and since he was born I don't know where the time has went.   DSCF4293
I gave up my apron business and am finally feeling good about not producing crafts to make a profit. There is a lot of pressure when you try to create something you hope people will like and then buy. 2011 was a far better year for aprons.  I'm not looking for something else to spend money on to sell though, I'm content.  DSCF4335
And now I look forward to focusing on creating a comfortable home for my little family.  Without thinking about moving to another location to open another business, I can just be, and be content.  I look forward to revamping our current livingroom ceiling, which is suspended.  I look forward to building a open curved booth in the corner of our dining room to create more flow.  I look forward to putting a vintage tin back splash in my kitchen, installing a floating floor in our livingroom, applying tin look ceilings on the 2nd floor of our home, painting our livingroom, decluttering, and hopefully taking over the property right next door to us.
I have non traditional New Year's Resolutions such as paying off my car to my dad which should have been done in 2010.  Paying off our van we just purchased with a loan this past August.  Getting home improvement projects done, successfully living wheat-free, exercise 3x a week, get back to 135 lbs ideally by May so I can reprogram my body before trying for baby #3.
My resolutions may more or less be goals, but that's what I plan and pray for.
I'm in the process of cleaning my home vs going out (super cold here in NE Minnesota) but I'm not a party goer, I am a home body.  I'd like to ring in the New Year with a nice clean home vs one I'm always trying to play catch up in.
Happy New Year to you!  If you are out and about Safe Traveling!
What are your plans this evening?

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