Friday, January 25, 2013

Saving Money

Well, yesterday I bought 13 cloth diapers.  Today I purchased another 11.  I'm looking at a few more on Ebay that have velcro closure.  I tried a form of cloth diapers when my son was born but I couldn't figure them out and they always leaked and were SO bulky.  But then a ton of my facebook friends have been talking about them and formed a group within the last week that I joined and they got me started on Pocket Diapers.  So nice and easy!  Most of the pocket diapers I've boughten between yesterday and today are brand new and only $6 each!  Though I did get two at $8 each and 4 at $10 a piece.  Most of these retail for $17.95 on up.

As you know I was stressing out because of our utility bill and losing my job.  A box of disposable diapers maybe lasts us 2 weeks or so, depending on the size of the box.  Which is at leaset $25. So by purchasing cloth diapers once you only pay for them once and then just wash and reuse.  My little boy doesn't seem to mind the change and I've found out from so many other mom's that children in cloth potty train a lot sooner than those in disposables.

Thankfully my husband's paycheck had holiday pay so we were able to pay the bills and have money left over.  Now to make it stretch!

Along with cloth diapering I'll be going back to cloth wipes too.  Why not?  We have been using cloth family wipes instead of toilet paper for the last year.  We rarely use toilet paper.

I saw a great blog post some where on making reusable paper towels and having them snap to each other.  One day I'll make those.  I've also made my own luna pads, reusable sandwich bags, most everything I can actually.

Oh someone also told me about making your own dryer balls for the dryer vs dryer sheets.  Here is the link.

I'm in green mode right now, why maybe because we were broke and I like saving money.  Or I'm getting excited for the annual Earth Fest celebration my hometown does that's just next door to our city I'm not sure but in any means saving money is GREAT!

Tomorrow my plan is to bake wheat free breads since I was able to grocery shopping today.
Thinking about a great idea.  Now through April 6th I'll challenge myself as well as you to find a way to save money each day on something that has a continual savings.  Like last year we made the switch from toilet paper to family cloth so its not just a daily savings like using coupons but a lifestyle change.  Then when April 6th arrives which is the date of Earth Fest we'll total up our savings!  This can also be for doing something DIY that saves you a ton of money for something that you use for a long time.

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